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Letter of Motivation


For admission to Eindhoven University of Technology

October 28, 2008


I heard of the scholarship programs of Eindhoven University of Technology about one year ago via school websites, though it sounded appealing to me but I wasn’t prepared to study for master’s degree abroad at that time. After gaining amazing experience both in academic research and overseas life, now I find myself ready for the upcoming new experience in the Netherlands.

My interests in academic research date back to the Erasmus exchange program I’ve participated at Czech Technical University in Prague during winter semester 2007. I took several courses there and one of them was Computer Graphics. I learned a lot about OpenGL library during programming for final course project (developing an interactive environment) as well as in the lectures. More importantly, I found myself obsessed with the connection of human and the generated images and 3D models via computer technologies. Soon after I came back to Zhejiang University, I joined the Laboratory of Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD&CG) and took part in a research project as a student researcher. Being the sole undergraduate student in the project, I learned to work with graduate students and contributed a piece of mesh simplification software.

Though as a student studying computer science, I am always fascinated by art and philosophy. I am an amateur photographer and fan of all sorts of art represented in forms of new media technologies. After exploring more of many researchers and new media artists, I realized that research on Human-Computer Interaction — the intersection of computer science, behavioral sciences and art, is exactly what I am pursuing. So I talked with Prof. Pan Gang, who is the lead of Pervasive Computing Group, and found out that he had newly started research topics on HCI. I came up with the idea of using Nintendo Wii controllers and its accessories to build a drum kit, and he considered it quite innovative and related to his research topic. The main point is that everyone can be musician if easy-to-use tools with the ability of pervasive computing are provided. The focus of CHI Conference this year is balance between art and science, design and research, practical motivation and the process that leads the way to innovative excellence. Similarly, I believe that my scientific research on HCI is based on the premise that artists and engineers can rectify the imbalances of power and privilege that have been built into most contemporary technologies.

After obtaining the master’s degree, my career goal is either to work on PhD in one of the prestigious institutes such as J.F. Schouten School or to work in R&D departments in a certain company that creates innovative technologies and products. My personal goal during the master’s program is to finish a project in the field of interactive art and have my work exhibited in contemporary art museums.

With these goals, I find that Eindhoven University of Technology is the right place to study. The master’s program of Human-Technology Interaction at the Department of Technology Management matches my research profile the most and I am quite impressed by its focus on viability of new technological developments in relation to human constraints, preferences and capabilities. I am also aware that the Netherlands is a country rich in excellent art centers and art academies, and they always bring me inspirations for interaction design and research. My second preference of master’s program is Computer Science and Engineering, since my research interest in Computer Science, especially in Computer Graphics, has never faded.

Yours Sincerely,

He Zhao

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  • cc February 22, 2012, 2:37 pm

    I found your letter very well, especially your language.
    I’m writting a letter of motivation for a exchange programme, but I just have no idea how to start it !

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